An Un-Episode Episode

an un-episode episode

This week on the podcast, we’re hitting pause on our usual content to bring you something a little different—a very “un-episode episode,” if you will. It’s not our typical deep dive, but more of a brief check-in. For those of you tuning in for the first time, welcome! While this episode is a little off the beaten path, I’ve listed some recommended episodes in the show notes to give you a taste of what we’re usually about.

So, why the change? Simply put: acceptance. Right now, I’m in a season of life where I’m giving so much in every area—spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical. And that means I need to focus on caring for myself first, even if it means stepping away from the usual podcast routine for a bit. It’s not easy, and it’s definitely vulnerable, but it’s necessary.

Next week, I’ve got another “un-episode” planned, with a little bit of a different spin, and then I’ll be back, ready to dive back in. Until then, listen in on this week’s episode for more behind-the-scenes, and as always, check out the show notes for episodes you might enjoy in the meantime!

🎧 Click here to listen!

See you in the episode,


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