What is coaching?

Life coaching is rooted in a relationship

Imagine a relationship where your only job is to be yourself -- for better or for worse, you just get to be you.

That’s the setting for the work we will do together. Through intentional conversations, we’ll dive into the thoughts and feelings that hold power over your life and keep you from truly living. By unpacking what it is that makes you tick, you’ll discover the you you want to be, regardless of what’s happening around you. 


Got questions?

Check out the FAQs or contact me for more info!


Whether you’re looking to do a real deep dive or eager to find community as you process your day-to-day, there’s something for everyone. Each program will offer tools and techniques to get you unstuck and stoked on life.

Being Mom Together Group Coaching

If you feel like you’re doing life alone, nobody gets you and no one can help, then this program has your name written all over it.

Group coaching allows you to benefit from being coached with, in front of, and alongside other moms. As you observe moms being coached and exposing their inner-selves to the group, you will almost automatically fall in LOVE with each of them. That creates a feedback loop where you see yourself in the other moms, inviting you to love and have compassion for yourself.

Being Mom Together will give you the tools you need to live the rest of your life feeling capable, confident, and in control of your future.

The six-month program includes a private group for ongoing discussion and celebration, weekly coaching, and other surprises along the way.

This program is for you if...

You’re making it, but it’s just not that fun. The novelty of being a mom has worn off and you wonder every day as you face your child’s challenges -- Is it gonna be like this forever?

You’ve read all the books, tried all the things, even gone to therapy, but it’s time for something different. You just feel stuck and gosh, so very tired.

You can hardly imagine having a dream for the future. You’re barely making it and you can’t stand the thought of staying where you are at.

You wanna know a little secret? This group is open now.


  • Working with Kara was absolutely fantastic. She’s a genius as she navigates through my thought processes and her patience is incredible. I felt cared for and nurtured, and I can’t be more thankful that I had this chance to be coached!


  • I have developed confidence in my own decision-making and problem-solving abilities. My time with Kara and our relationship has completely changed the way I see my life and what I have the ability to create within it.


  • Counseling is great, but I needed action steps. I love the intentionality of coaching with Kara. She helps curate specific steps and goals that are getting me closer to the life I want to live. It feels good to feel accomplished and see progress!



If you’re ready to take the next step, let’s talk. I’d love to hear your story and explore what possibilities lie ahead.
Let’s Talk